This came as a surprise, Barbados often being given the nickname ‘Little England’ and I’m totally in agreement with removing the last reminants of colonialism. But if we look at this practically perhaps becoming a Republic is more symbolic than anything else?
If Barbados really wants to be seen as progressive and forward thinking it ought to be thinking about amending our independence constitution which entrenched archaic and discriminatory English laws...
Lest we forget that our constitution is in itself a product of colonialism where we borrowed rights from other countries and instituted savings law clauses to criminalise same sex relationships and entrench the death penalty
So for the Republic of Barbados 2021 I wish to see a new constitution which shows how forward thinking we really are- let’s get rid of the savings law clause altogether and ensure that the legislation which replaces it does not offend fundamental human rights
And why not push the boundaries to include environmental rights in our new republic constitution because more than ever as a small island developing state we are reliant on a healthy environment for our survival
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