Boils down to yer definition of “supporters” tbh, but assuming you define “supporters” broadly as voters, then, as unpopular as this opinion may be, yes.
I don’t think that absolves them of their responsibility for their vote though.
Come at me.
I worked this job once... job’s prolly not a fair descriptor, as it accounts for the bulk of my career to date. I’m the type of fella that is a firm believer that education (which I have) is no substitute for experience. So, I started out in an entry level position. Learned the
ropes. Worked my way up from the bottom so that as I climbed the career ladder I could empathize with (and hopefully better help) those in the positions I had worked my way through on my way to whatever my current position of responsibility happened to be. Choosing this
particular career path led me to work for many varied supervisors and managers. One in particular was an over the top company man. A real toe the line type. Now it’s my belief that part of your responsibility as middle management is to save upper level management (and thereby the
company) from itself, no matter how thankless a job that might be, by blunting the edges of some of the, ah..., less prudent decisions dreamed up by folks who are a few steps too far removed from the front lines of where the daily battles are being fought. This one fella took the
opposite view of myself Every. Time. Even after he was repeatedly scapegoated when it inevitably turned out that the decisions as initially envisioned were colossally bad decisions.
I even pulled the fella aside a time or two (as one of his direct reports) to try to save him from
yet another scapegoating. He wouldn’t listen and insisted that I needed to change my insubordinate attitude or I was never going anywhere with the company. I remember getting *so* angry with the fella because I was convinced that he knew the decisions were bad but was just going
along with them either because he was too cowardly to stand up to his management or because he was just evil and enjoyed watching the struggle of those below him in the chain of command. Not too long after I took a promotion to a position that was lateral to this fella. This
afforded me some better insight into him as a person and a manager because I was now privy to decision making meetings where we were both attendees. He continued to operate the same as ever, toeing the line, but now I began to see that he did it because he genuinely lacked the
intelligence to do anything else. He was an automaton that couldn’t think through the ramifications of the decisions being made *until* those ramifications actually occurred, and therefore was unable to provide feedback to his managers on their decisions prior to their
implementation. I would provide feedback when asked in these meetings and sometimes management would take my advice and adjust strategy and sometimes they wouldn’t, but always after these meetings this fella would advise me to keep my mouth shut or comment on how I had a brass
set. My attitude toward this fella quickly changed from one of anger to one of something bordering on pity. The easiest way I can explain it is: You don’t get angry at someone with a mental handicap, right? Even if they’re frustrating, you understand it’s not their fault.
This is the way I think of a lot of (not all of) folks that I know irl that are politically opposed to me these days. I get angry. I think they’re genuinely evil. Then, frequently, I get to know them a little better and come to the realization that often, they’re just mentally
indigent. Kinda hard to stay mad at them then.
Anywho, these are just some rambling thoughts that came to mind when I saw the tweet at the top of this thread. I *know* decent Trump supporters (supporters being defined as voters). Nicest folks you’d
ever wanna meet. Ya start really talkin’ to ‘em and really listen and what ya find is that they’re often pretty un-or-underinformed.
Now, I will say, you don’t get the “You’re really just not very bright” benefit of the doubt if I don’t know ya irl. Which explains my vitriol online.
I think I’ll refer to this as my “Hanlon’s Razor” thread.
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