It's only rape if you think that being trans in inherently deceptive.

If you just accepted the reality that gender isn't an indicator of genitals (which is a fact), then there's no deception.
"I'm not transphobic! I just think if a woman has a penis and doesn't announce it to me immediately, they're lying rapists!"
I concede that there's SOME logic in this position IF and only if we lived in a world where gender dictated what genitals you have.

But we don't. Thinking that we do is the transphobia that we as trans people are trying to address in this discourse.
Why isn't it YOUR job as a cis person with specific genital preferences to immediately at the beginning of the date/hookup/whatever say "Now up front I'm gonna have to call this off if you have a penis/vagina"?

Try it sometime! I'm sure your fellow cis will LOVE it.
It's not "trans women want to trick you into having sex with you."

It's "grow up and accept that some women have penises and some men have vaginas."

If you don't like it, that's on you. This is reality.
And before any transphobes start shit in my mentions: I don't have a penis and I don't want to fuck you.

None of us want to fuck you.
Lots of transphobes crawling all over this thread now. Twitter's auto filter helps a lot (I'm not seeing any in my mentions) but just to be safe I'm gonna be muting this thread.

It brings me endless joy that I'm pissing you bigots off 🥰
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