my blog is a little over a month old and i have a few questions, so if you want to help me grow please read this thread and answer to the polls 🥺 thank u sm!!! 💕💖
1. do you like WWW wednesday where i talk briefly about the books im currently reading, the books i have recently read, and the books i want to read next (which i hate as a question bc i’m indecisive af) OR do you prefer a weekly wrap up where i talk about the books i’ve read —
+ a small update about my personal life + my fav booktube videos + my fav blog posts from that week (and a few fun facts)? it’d be kind of a chatty weekly update and it will be longer than WWW wednesday
2. no joke but i feel like i’ve been buying more books recently just to be sure that i can write a "stacking the shelves" post on saturdays and my wallet is NOT happy so im thinking of doing book hauls that are more irregular (every now and then)
3. would you be interested in a "starting a PhD during a pandemic" blog post, and in the future perhaps other personal posts, or do you prefer only book related stuff?
4. do you like my blog in general or did you prefer my booktube videos?
5. do you think having a blog as my main platform but coming on booktube every now and then to upload reading vlogs is a good idea?
6. do you support both my booktube AND my blog? be honest pls
7. do you like the theme of my blog (color scheme, post picture me, etc)
8. do you read tbr posts?
9. do you read monthly book wrap ups? (with reviews)
10. do you read posts with singular reviews (a post for 1 book review)
if you’ve reached the end of this thread, thank you SOOOO MUUUCH for your help!!!! 🤍
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