I'm with @FettermanLt to again ask the PA legislature to take action on adult-use marijuana.

I'm pro-legalization. Profits could help small businesses recover from #COVID19, boost historically disadvantaged businesses, and restore justice to those harmed by criminalization.
In September 2019, @FettermanLt released a report on his listening tour of all counties.

Pennsylvanians said they want:
❶ A referendum on legalization
❷ Decriminalization
❸ Expungement of small possession convictions

It has now been a year of inaction by the legislature.
By moving forward on marijuana legalization, the state legislature can:
✅ Give the people what they want
✅ Bring in new profits for PA during a global pandemic

Join me in telling the legislature that legalizing adult-use marijuana is a win-win for PA. https://on.pa.gov/FindMyLegislator
You can follow @GovernorTomWolf.
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