If they'd stuck to the original plan, upped their game with test & trace and introduced quarantine for international travellers we'd have been at zero now and have the country open with confidence but Ireland Inc dances to a different tune https://twitter.com/ZaraKing/status/1306286091897536513
Everybody bought into this at the start, everybody made sacrifices and everybody played their part. The government bungled through it and papered over the cracks with optics, spin and twee speeches. Now they know to follow the appropriate course is to admit they've fucked it
The whole point of the lockdown was to protect the vulnerable and buy time for our long neglected health system. The population adhered as the state threw money at Larry Goodman & our elderly perished in ill-prepared nursing homes. They've knifed us in the back again
And this before we factor in the twin elephants in the room, meat plants & DP, and the blatant attempts to make the cases arising from them a non-story, expose not just the corruption of the government but how willing we as a people are ready to turn a blind eye to the vulnerable
I'd also say that a fair portion of Dublin's high infection rate could be explained by tenement livin & the workin conditions of lower paid workers. Clusters don't just materialise out of thin air in private homes, especially when this thing was nearly licked. We reap what we sow
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