About the earlier story I retweeted with Fanatics. Theres a rumour going around that it wasnt actually a staff member who gave the girls the jacket but another member. This is based off of the jumper you see the person wearing.
This isn't confirmed but just wanted to mention it.
Theres been some really troubling stories coming from the world of kpop recently with this one being the most well evidenced. Ngl, it does make me worry about what we don't see.
Photos for what I mentioned in first tweet. I saw someone mention there was a video as well that proved it (I guess the members name was mentioned and the pic on the left is a screenshot from that video). I'll see if I can find it.
Found it, it's what I thought. Earlier pic was a screenshot and the members name is mentioned in the video.

This is troubling to say the least. https://twitter.com/ralinfanatics/status/1306280004309979136
I've seen some tweets saying that this company doesn't have an email but the below @ are their allegedly accounts. I say alleged because none are verified. If you do message them try to do so calmly, as difficult as that may be.

In terms of whether this is getting attention or not, these are the current stats of the original tweet. Obviously, I cant say what proportion of the views are kfans and what are ifans. Also the pic of the vlive.
I saw a tweet mentioning the members ages and want to put some info here about it. The youngest is Doah, born in December 2003, the eldest is Doi, born in April 1994. Doah is not shown on camera and I believe shes the only minor. SK ages confuse me a bit. https://kprofiles.com/fanatics-members-profile-facts/
It seems like the same person gave the other 2 girls a blanket earlier.

Btw if you want a better idea of what's going on, what to do, and more context I would suggest looking at this account, @/ralinfanatics. It seems like they are a translator in the Fanatics fandom.
You can follow @BundleHiss.
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