Traditional astrologers - can we talk "weak" houses for a minute? I'm specifically thinking about the Hellenistic and medieval delineations for the 12th, 6th, 2nd and 8th, but the following thoughts also apply to the 3rd and 9th as cadent houses… 1/
Such unequivocal binaries re: efficacy make sense if you’re practicing horary, or electing dates, or otherwise not talking to a human about their character or life force… but in a natal chart interpretation — how do you navigate those extremes? 2/
The 12th, 6th, 2nd and 8th are considered the places of bad spirit, bad fortune, or varying gates of hell because of their aversion to the ASC, that place of vitality and emergence. Fine. But doesn’t this value system betray a worldview that privileges sight + visibility? 3/
That is, a more solar worldview, which principally favours visible (material) success, recognition and gain (which befits a patriarchal slave-based empire), rather than more numinous or twilight pursuits? 4/
To be clear, I’m not saying that natal placements in these houses aren’t tough. Or that we should sugarcoat. But I’m also not going to tell a client with a 12H stellium that most of her planets are buckled by self-undoing or evil spirit. 5/
Especially as many clients with said stelliums are thriving — if in ways not always recognized by solar-biased productivity models. And I question how much astrology was used to discuss natal promise or character in classical or medieval periods 6/
(vs. more functional tasks around timing.) (Though I acknowledge I don’t actually know…) So this leads me to question how much we should apply those traditional house delineations to natal chart consultations. ALL THIS SAID - I’m mostly curious what y’all think. 7/7
PS- this was my first thread and I am sorry if I formatted it unclearly!!!!!
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