Been playing through a bunch of games for the first time recently that I should've gotten to in a lot of cases a lot sooner, so may as well make a thread of them.
Resident Evil 3 Remake: 3rd RE game I've finished (along with 5 and 7) Short game, but pretty easy to 100% complete as a result.
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice: Never really played Souls games, but this felt like a pretty alright starting point for the series. Still have to 100% complete it, but I finished the first loop.
Spyro 1: Played this a while back but never finished it. But now I've finished it 100% (120%?) and will probably get to the other 2 in the reignited trilogy sooner or later
Resident Evil 2 Remake: Yeah I played 3 before 2, but I don't think that really hindered my experience. Did the first run with both characters, now I'm working on S+ ranks and 2nd runs.
Doom Eternal: Never really played a Doom game until now (I played the beginning of 2016 Doom and that's about it.) Played through the single player campaign, still have to take a look at multiplayer.
That's all the notable ones for now. This was over the course of the past month. May add more games to this thread as I finish more games
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