thank you @danidonovan for making such relatable tiktoks, i seriously feel so affirmed knowing i’m not alone in what i experience.
video description: what it looks like when you live in extremes.

motivation’s extremes are “can’t start” vs “can’t stop”

time’s extremes are “not now” vs “RIGHT NOW”

sleep’s extremes are “too much sleep” vs “not enough sleep”

convos are “talking nonstop” vs “zoning out”
also, for those struggling to keep themselves afloat living life in these extremes, you are not alone. here’s what’s helped me:
- routine, routine, routine. can be flexible, doesn’t have to be a specific time, but if you have a morning/bedtime routine u will notice a difference!
CW: food, disordered eating
- eating has always been difficult for me. i would often forget to eat to the point of nearly fainting in public multiple times. i’ve found having quick easy premade food on hand helps w this. yogurt, applesauce, instant mac & cheese, granola bars!
CW / food
- creating a meal plan for the week really helps. planning is super difficult for ADHD brains. so to get started, try to think of 3 foods in ur home, write those down, and put them on ur fridge! use colorful markers/stickers to keep ur attention on it!
CW / food, disordered eating
- sometimes i just can’t find the energy to cook and will choose starving over eating anything. remind urself that it’s OKAY if all u can eat is a snack or “unhealthy” food, always choose the food over not eating. food over starvation any day!!!
- stickers are SO much fun and society tells us that adults aren’t allowed to enjoy fun things, well that’s BS. make yourself a sticker chart if you feel like that’d be helpful! it helps motivate you to do things like eat or brush your teeth, any self regulation u struggle to do!
- i started using a massive sticker chart to help me track brushing my teeth. seriously, i’m 19 and using cute stickers to help me remember to brush my teeth. don’t feel ashamed if ur older than that, you can be of ANY age and use self-parenting techniques like this!
- i’ll wrap this up so i don’t lose your attention (GREAT job on reading this far!!).

if you struggle finding motivation to do self care, MAKE IT FUN! make it into a fun game. earn bonus points by changing ur sheets and flossing. u deserve to have fun with ur life!!
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