Attended a session on managing chronic-pandemic-related-stress-while-teaching-and-supervising-and-caring-for-family-members-and-acknowledging-performance-metrics-and-during-a-time-when-grocery-shopping-is-stressful-and-requiring-hyper-vigilance... A few things struck me...
1. Everyone is struggling in their own way. From loneliness of quarantine to never-ever-ever-being-alone-not-even-to-pee.
2. Sharing stresses and strategies amongst a group of supportive peers is always nice.
3. No one will every perfectly understand your context, but that is OK.
4. No one's solutions will work perfectly for you. It's great that the thing that works for you is booking a run everyday at 6pm. It won't work for me for the next 6 years. But I'm happy for you.
5. Radical transparency is what is working for me - being as honest as possible.
6. Everyone needs grace right now. Directed at themselves and at others - up and down the reporting structure.
7. Supervisors, directors, managers, administrators - we all need to know that grace will be extended down as well.
8. People honestly deeply care about their students.
More reflection.
All of the following things are simultaneously true:
"I love the new flexibility - I can adapt my meeting times to meet a challenging schedule" and
"OMG there are no more limits between work and not-work - people want to meet at night at on the weekend!"
Also all true:
"I'm excited that I'm not expected to hug anyone anymore - that always felt invasive" and
"I miss being able to physically show people that I care about them. I haven't been hugged in months" and
"OMG why can't I just have some time without someone touching me!"
Also all true:
"Without being on campus/in the office I've had great time to focus and really dig in to some of my work" and
"Without being on campus I only have confetti sprinkles of time and can't carry a thought"
Hard is hard.
One persons' hard is their hard.
No one wins in a competition of the hardest hard.
There are so many different experiences of the last 6-months.
Trying to ease up on interpreting others' contexts and behaviours these days.
And lots of checking in on my people.
You can follow @meredithyoung1.
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