In poll after poll, we find the Americans no nothing. They don't know when the Civil War was fought. They don't know whether we should bomb Agrabah. They can't name the three branches of government. They're always stumped to name a single Cabinet member. They can never
remember when or why we fought the first or second world wars. Barely half of adults know how long it takes for the Earth to revolve around the Sun. 40 percent believe the earliest humans and dinosaurs lived at the same time.
73% of Americans can't distinguish between astronomy and astrology. 60 percent don't know how many justices serve on the Supreme Court. Only 13 percent know when the Constitution was written.Asked to name the United States’ largest trading partner, most get it wrong.
1 In 4 Americans ascribes to the pre-Copernican view of the solar system 63% of young Americans can't find Iraq on a map. 95 percent of the a newly enrolled freshmen class could not point out Vietnam on a map.

50% can't find New York!
This is way beyond, "A practical people without much use for book-learning." This is stupidity. A culture that revels in being pig-stupid and knowing nothing, and not one that can expect any of the blessings of education to obtain to it.
It's a culture that winds up putting Trump in office. And we have to speak frankly about this, not delicately for fear of hurting people' feelings. We've regressed, somehow. With every pound we've packed on since the 1970s, we've lost a point off our collective IQ.
We're obese and we're borderline retarded, and we want Trump to tell us he's going to make us great again.
"know," I meant.
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