You do an awful lot of looking for people who never seem to spot the issue until after it's caused you public embarrassment. Do you need some help?
Let me clear something up here.
Echo's problem is not a one person problem. If it was, it would have been a once off deal. They wouldn't have had an entire name change followed by yet another incident. Echo's problem is a guild culture problem.
Sexist people actually do not pop out of nowhere. Like all of us, they're most attracted to environments they feel comfortable in. Echo has repeatedly shown itself to be a place that sexists and, in Method before it, predators, feel comfortable. That's part 1 of the problem.
When a member of this guild felt affronted that I dare suggest Echo could do better, he chose to quote tweet me to his 18k followers. I have enough followers myself to know exactly what I'm doing when I quote tweet a much smaller account. He knew I'd be dogpiled by his fans.
I tried a few times to speak to him reasonably and even offered to take the conversation to a more thoughtful place, no public twitter war, no accusations, just a quiet discussion.
He refused. He had already made up his mind I was wrong and just wanted to see me punished.
If that's how you respond to even the mildest suggestion that you could improve how you handl sexism, you only make it absolutely certain that you will never improve. I wasn't entirely sure how I felt about Echo before this interaction. I am now.
If a person says something about how they could consider how they're handling sexism, the response is open hostility, refusal to even pretend to believe that person could have a point, and attempts at silencing. Exactly how Method *repeatedly* responded to concerns about Josh.
So part 1, the guild's culture is one that sexists are made to feel comfortable in. Part 2, the guild's culture is one that women are made to feel uncomfortable in, because we can see that speaking out will immediately paint a target on our back.
As long as this is how Method, sorry, Echo behave when someone tries to warn them about a problem before it results in another embarrassment they can't dogpile their way out of, of course they will keep having incidents. You don't have to be psychic to see it.
Many women, including myself, warned that a name change would not be enough to magically fix the issues Echo clearly has. We've been proven right. And yet Echo members and stans are still acting shocked that we even dare suggest the problem goes beyond one or two members.
You can't fix a problem you refuse to even acknowledge exists. You can shout down anyone who tries to point it out for awhile, but sooner or later that won't be enough to hide it anymore.
And spare me the horror that I dare say any of this. This incident was not a once off problem. Echo has an entire history that already forced a name change once and this is how they respond to suggestions they could improve. You don't have to be Cassandra to make a prediction.
Every now and then, someone arrives guns blazing wanting to know if I'm so clever then why don't I tell them what Echo could do better.

1) Acknowledge that they could do better and maybe even could use some help in this area.
2) When someone makes a criticism, especially someone in a more vulnerable position, work to make sure your first, instinctive response is not to punish them, silence them, and drive them away. People should feel safe coming to you with their concerns. Not afraid of your stans.
3) Take sexism seriously, and not only when it embarrasses you. If you have time to publicly call out a woman for suggesting you can do better, you have time to call out your followers and friends when they are sexist in front of you. Make sexists feel uncomfortable around you.
Those are three, small, simple, practical steps. They're not magic cure-alls, but they're not impossible, and they will help. Start with those, and then we can see from there.
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