Latest on #Italy's #gigeconomy: Assodelivery (delivery platforms employer org) signed a sectoral #CollectiveBargaining agreement for #riders with unrepresentative right-wing union UGL, ignoring ongoing negotiations w/ riders' groups, 3 main confederal unions, & their demands.
This arguably is an instance of what in Italy is called a 'pirate' collective bargaining agreement - i.e. an agreement signed by employers w/ an unrepresentative union, for the purposes of wage dumping & to sabotage other more representative organisations & their demands.
The UGL-Assodelivery agreement indeed leaves completely unmet several of the riders' longstanding demands - among other, a definitive end to piecework payment & the recognition of their status as dependent workers.
IMHO, this episode clearly shows that sectoral collective bargaining *in itself* is not a guarantee of rights for workers, without proper rules in place on the representativeness of signatory parties (& w/out minimum wage legislation to guarantee universal standards of dignity).
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