since it is the anniversary of the bullshit tweet, let’s talk about why 1.0 and 2.0 are both meaningless. (thread)
before I begin explaining these denials, it’s important to note that the first bullshit tweet happened in a time when larry rumors were reaching their peak, and there was a few attempted denials during interviews that weren’t actual denials.
for example the “some people genuinely think....” denial that went noticeably wrong in dallas, where we learned that liam likes to deflect, and H and L are terrible at lying.
E was flown back to the states after this failed denial when she was supposed to be in the UK. denials on camera weren’t working. so fast forward to a few months later in September, when “L” came on twitter to complain about conspiracy theories, obviously referencing larry.
after L tweeted about conspiracy theories, twitter user @/skyleridk tweeted this. pay attention to how skyleridk didn’t even tag louis in this tweet.
somehow, even though he wasn’t tagged, “L” found the tweet and directed one back at skyleridk which of course is now known as bullshit 1.0.
a lot of people refuse to believe that L tweeted the bullshit tweet, and instead believe that someone on their management team did. it seems the punctuation and grammar in the conspiracy tweet and the bs tweet are purposefully misplaced to make it look like louis tweeted it.
it’s also a much more aggressive denial than anything L ever did on camera/in person. every other time he spoke about the subject he was smiley, amused, worming his way around questions. this time it was noticeably harsh.
it’s also quite weird that “L” responded to a tweet that he wasn’t even tagged in. and he didn’t follow skyleridk. so, it’s more than likely that someone on their management sought out a larry tweet on purpose in order to use it as a denial.
why do they need a denial like this? because the boys were about to launch into the take me home era, just as larry rumors were blowing up majorly. the bullshit tweet was posted during the week of one direction’s TMH promo campaign. certainly not a coincidence.
to recap, since larry rumors were reaching their peak and h and l weren’t actually denying it in interviews, management had L tweet about conspiracies to spark larry tweets, then they picked a larry tweet, and used it as a much more aggressive denial: the birth of bullshit 1.0.
this exact same sequence of events happened again in 2014 during bullshit 2.0. once again, just like during 1.0, larry rumors were blowing up majorly right before an album campaign. last time it was TMH, this time it was four.
this time larry was sparking attention because of multiple events, starting with harry famously saying “not that important.”
then a week later, the boys were late for their german wessen das performance because h and l were missing. when asked why they were late, L said it was just a bit of banter, liam said H’s hair wasn’t finished, and H said he “lost his trousers”
this same week, L was papped wearing the rainbow apple logo, shortly after apple ceo tim cook came out of the closet, and many were praising him for showing his support.
several media outlets reported on this shirt in a positive light, but most of them also mentioned H’s recent “not that important” declaration too.
between the “not that important,” being late to the wessen das performance, and this shirt all within a week, the media and fans were going crazy. just like during BS 1.0, public discussion about larry was at its highest level in an important time for 1D’s careers.
h and l were given a chance to shut down all of these rumors when they did their four hangout livestream a few days later. they were asked what the “oddest rumor” is that they’ve heard about themselves, a question clearly placed to address all of the recent speculation.
instead of a denial, H says they’ve been dead, there’s awkward silence, liam says there’s a lot of rumors, H says he saw a rumor he “quite likes” then z shifts the focus onto a random rumor about niall. so another non-denial, which is what happened leading up to the 1st BS tweet.
so since L didn’t deny rumors in the interview, louis_tomlinson denied them on twitter, yes, just like during bullshit 1.0. this all happened a week before the four album was released, right in the middle of promo week, yes, just like during bullshit 1.0.
the article L refers to in his BS 2.0 tweet never mentioned his sexuality, just that he showed support for the gay apple ceo. so the implication of his tweet was that it’s “rubbish” for him to support a queer man because he’s straight....
which suggests that a straight person can’t support the LGBTQ+ community. so because of that, a lot of people believe that L didn’t tweet it, and that management did again, and were highly upset that he continued to be portrayed as an aggressive homophobe.
here’s some interesting reactions to 2.0 from Tumblr that are worth the read to get an idea of how this all was perceived.
lottie also tweeted the sad face, H followed an anti cyberbullying account, liam retweeted and replied to larries, and louis refollowed a larrie the following day
bullshit 2.0 was a huge blow to L and the 1D fandom — one of the biggest in history. what their management did to him was disgustingly malicious and career-ruining, which is why it’s so important to remember who louis really is.
those are the explanations of both BS tweets. the exact same events, leading up to the exact same results. don’t take what’s put right in front of you. know L better than that. happy BS anniversary. :)
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