This morning is a glimpse into why I've started dreaded seeing all the BLM tags in white people's profiles and the whole, "Get Trump out no matter what!".

It glosses over one of the biggest issues America has had from the jump.

"White Innoncence".
When white people do something bad or negative, there's always this immediate jump to assume the best. To assume that they either did nothing wrong or if they did?

It was an "Innocent" mistake.

It was a "White lie".

And that gets applied to EVERYTHING.
From murders, to fraud, to cheating to lying, the "Innocent Mistake" can be applied to it.

It's something that does not get applied across the board in this country and it's done damage to its very core.
It's mutated to the point where a white kid murders two innocent people at a protest and is being hailed a hero by some,

While Tamir Rice was a 10-year-old black kid killed by the police for having a toy gun, and his death was ignored. Brushed under the table.
I critique Biden because these things matter. The "mistakes" he makes matters. The way he consistently has shown he sees race as a commodity IS an issue.

And it's not about voting for him or not, it's about highlighting and correcting that destructive behavior.
Because the flip side of White Innocence is Dark Guilt.

The darker you are the more likely you are for people to perceive your actions in a negative light. Every action you do is critiqued, every expression examined for hostile intent.
The reason why I'm annoyed at this is because it's not an isolated incident. It's an ongoing series of blatant microaggressions and a view into the mind space Biden is actually in.

But just another "gaffe", right?
The rush at which several white people came to defend Biden's honor plays right into that whole mess.

Joe Biden is 77 damn years old. He's been a politician for 40 years.

This wasn't an accident or a gaffe. He played to white folks, that innocence.
"Look at how connected I am. I too know the one popular song with Spanish in it. Accept me into your community now! I've done absolutely no work, but I played a song with Spanish in it, and I know cause I looked up the artist who introduced me! /wink"

And then white folks clap.
I'm not being mean, that's just what always happens. This stuff happens a *lot*. And it's always a play to moderate white folks who want to feel like they're voting for someone who "isn't racist", but is also comfortably white.

And Biden in particular does this a lot.
Like the time he "gaffed" and said, "If you don't vote for me, you're not black!".

And now black folks are supposed to pretend like it never happened...
Stuff like this is always covered up by this air of innocence that white people get to hold onto...indefinitely?

We need to be able to critique these things with an expectation that they will be changed. And that my vote doesn't have to be held hostage to do so.
You can vote for someone also critique the shit out of them. There is no "innocence" to maintain. Especially for someone in public office.

It's things they've done, and the responses you have to it.

With an understanding that you want CHANGE.
Because people are quick to bring up brown folks in changes and forced sterilization but they always ignore how it got there.

How do you think anyone got that comfortable with the idea? How do you think someone does that and sleeps at night?

White Innocence vs. Dark Guilt.
When you teach that Mexican women are coming to America and having some sort of plague of little immigrant kids to run around and steal your jobs, you get people willing to do fucked up things.

When culture to white America is as deep as the song Despacito, its how you get this.
It's also how you get this.
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