5 ideas on business from @balajis on @david_perell "The North Star" podcast


1. The future of media is community

"Every new media company needs to be a media community as well”

I'll add: we are seeing this with @MightyNetworks

Every personal brand will have a community
2. Hire undiscovered geniuses.

“The most challenging thing to do as an entrepreneur but, it’s also absolutely necessary, is to hire people who are better than you” - @balajis

Hire people who are hungry and can teach you something.

I'll add: get the incentives right, too.
3. When writing to your team, put the critical information first.

I'll add:

Hiarchery of information is crazy important when communicating

esp. if your team moves fast

DO NOT bury the most important component

like the ONE thing that MUST get done

in the bottom of the email
4. “You will get what you optimize” – @balajis

If it's clicks, you will eventually get click-bait articles and headlines to get them.

Make sure you are optimizing for the right thing.
5. Technology has the power to hyper-deflate costs.

“Anything that the technology industry touches, prices hyper-deflate” – @balajis

Everyone can get an affordable, personal car with Uber.

Everything that the government touches?

Prices inflate from regulation and red tape.
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