"Why do you isolate yourself and struggle to manage basic tasks? Most of the time you seem so productive and efficient. Why are you like this?"

Me: Its the depression and anxiety, sometimes I can manage it, sometimes I can't, thanks for noticing! *finger guns*
"But you're tidy and well put together, and you always seem so friendly and upbeat! You can't possibly be depressed or anxious!"

Me: I've worked retail for over 15 years, you think I can't fake having my shit together in public? Get on my level! *jazz hands*
"Just calm down there's nothing to be anxious about!"

Me: I'll have you know I can spend 3 weeks physically vibrating with stress over nothing at all, you think I need a reason??? Oh sweetie, anxiety doesn't work like that...
"Just exercise, and eat right, and get up early and do x y z, then you won't be depressed anymore!"

Me: You underestimate my power, I can do all of that, AND STILL BE DEPRESSED!!! *laughs maniacally and slowly peters off into crying*
"What do you even have to be stressed about?"

Me: *looks at the global pandemic *
*looks at my struggling local economy *
*looks at my debts and difficulties finding stable full time work*
*looks at my increasing age and trouble finding time for the things I love*

Hot take: Guided meditation is great and all, but it absolutely does not work for everyone. Especially if you have conditions like ADHD or suffer from executive dysfunction.

Guided meditation: Picture yourself on a mountaintop...

Me: *replays entirety of 'cliffhanger' mentally
Hotter take: Counselors and Therapists are awesome if you can get them!

However, if you live in rural areas they can be really hard to get access to, and the costs can be prohibitive.

It's fine to say, "get some help"
but 1. Can they afford it?
And 2. Is it accessible?
Hottest take: If you look down on people for needing meds to stabilize their mental health, then you are a garbage person and I hope rabid badgers feast upon you.

Never tell anyone they don't need their meds!

If you can't make your own neurotransmitters, store-bought is fine!
Stole this meme because it fittttsss this thread...
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