There seems to be an idea that adding three positions to combat Anti-Black Racism and other forms of racism @OSSTFD19 is going to cost teachers money. I'm not sure if this is the case but economics has often been used as a shield against progressive anti-racist actions. Do people
really believe that BIPOC people want to continually wait for this to happen? Economics is often perpetuated as a way to delay acts that will help to equal the playing field. Falling back on "It's going to cost money" as an excuse for change is weak, especially in education.
According to the AFN ( First Nations students on reserves are funded less than their provincial peers and at a lower rate of increase even though the number of students is growing at a higher rate than provincial schools. Still, we often hear people
bemoaning the fact that their tax dollars are being used for Indigenous educational programs. The systemic discrimination becomes an economic talisman for racism. The same holds true for migrant workers in the South East portion of Ontario and their experiences with COVID 19.
the costs, especially when we are paid pretty well, to finance three positions at the union which will directly work to give a voice to marginalized teachers and students? Just my opinion, but I'd be willing to give up a daily run to Tim's if that money will lead to change.
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