Born between 1990 and 2000?

You need these 8 habits!

1. Be antisocial

When you wake up... avoid social media. It will create the fuzz inside your day. It could potentially lead to a bad mood.

Why would you start a day in a bad mood?

Doesn't make sense right?
2. Morning air

Before you make your tea or coffee...

Put on your shoes and go for a walk. Give your brain some air. This way you'll be able to function properly.
3. Music ain't all good

I'm a sucker for music. But you need to implement podcasts in your day.

When? While you're on a morning walk of course.

My recommendations:

- @naval
- The blank canvas

There are more but I currently listen to these two.
4. Set a time in the day

Once a day you'll set a time for reading and learning.

This time will remain fixed.

For me: After lunch.

Make. it. a. habit.
5. Fast ing

Take all your calories for the day in 8 hour window.

I like to get my calories between 2 pm and 10 pm.

You'll see the increase in concentration.
6. Wake up at 6

The day is getting shorter.

Why not take it all?

+ peaceful
+ sunrises are beautiful
+ more time to complete all the tasks
7. Get enough sleep

Aim for at least 7 hours of sleep.

Nothing less is acceptable.
8. Schedule breaks (NEW)

This one is new to me!

And I can't recommend it enough.

After 2-3 tasks I like to take a longer break for:

-> coffee
-> shaving
-> do some work around the house

After these breaks, you'll reset your brain.
Habit is something you do every day no matter:

- how you feel
- where you are
- the weather outside

Try these for 7 days.

Don't skip a day.
Then come back and let me know how do you feel.

I'll be here waiting for you.
If you're reding this...

You're the real one!

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Have a great one!

- Van
You can follow @vizovisek.
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