A morning thought: I think I get the concerns that drove a majority of evangelicals to vote for Trump. I’ve tried to listen. The core benefits for them outweigh his nonsense. BUT I wonder if they see the debris field malignant narcissism causes, for some pastors especially (1)
The tolerated nonsense matters. One example: the rhetoric that equates social justice with Marxism/Critical Theory trickles down to parishioners who’ve never read Marx, explored the history of justice and the black church, etc. and emerges as sharp criticisms of good pastors (2)
So, yesterday I got a text from a faithful pastor who is quitting ministry. He showed me a letter from a longtime member criticizing him for being a Marxist. He’s using a racism curriculum from a conservative Reformed black pastor/scholar though. This pastor isn’t alone. (3)
Too often I hear “look at the fruit” of the narcissist while the debris field of pain is ignored. Pastors who are well-meaning and faithful and who are trying to address racism are being unfairly labeled. They’re demoralized. Tired. You’ve seen the articles being circulated.. (4)
I wonder about the long term damage to the pastoral vocation and for the prophetic role of pastors. I’m also impressed with so many who’ve done their inner work and who are resilient in the face of intense criticism. Well done to you. This is a hard season but keep leaning in.
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