I see a lot of messaging that's like, "We need a Green New Deal now, or else we'll keeping having [insert latest climate-fueled disaster here]," and like....even if we stopped burning fossil fuels tomorrow, we'd still have worsening disasters for the next few decades.
There's so much warming already baked in from past emissions, and it will take decades for the climate system to catch up with whatever action we take now.
So a more nuanced and accurate, but less catchy, message would be something like: We need a Green New Deal right the fuck away to prevent the worst of climate catastrophe and correct historical injustices....and also we need to prepare for decades of worsening fires, hurricanes,
droughts, heat waves, floods, and other disasters, no matter. We need to find ways to adapt to a warmer world, including managed retreat from a lot of places, while we fight like hell to stop the fossil fuel machine. We need both/and.
And we need to find ways to prepare ourselves emotionally and spiritually for the fact that things are going to get a lot worse before they get better.

How? I have no idea. I don't really know how to face these truths. I just know that I, and we, need to.
I just...I don't want people to think that if we take climate action, disasters will stop happening and the climate will go back to normal.

I know ppl in the movement don't believe that, but I want to make sure we're not giving other ppl that impression.
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