The feeling you have now is an intentional frustration, a weaponized apathy and powerlessness that's meant to make you feel like politics and society could never possibly improve and so you should just accept this farce of a system and save your energy for survival.
The ideal situation for an authoritarian is a society where its citizens have rights and could have power but are terrified to use them.

You're supposed to know the game is rigged, you're supposed to know corruption is rampant, and you're supposed to feel demoralized.
This is why authoritarians love flaunting their criminality. They love their cronies getting arrested or even sentenced to jail time but walking free.

We have to reject this cruelty and lawlessness and we have to remember that we have power through organization and solidarity.
We are being told that we are alone, that we are isolated, that we have no power. We have to remind ourselves constantly of shared reality, of objective reality, that through community we can fight back against this malaise and corruption.

We can make this world better.
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