A note to remind myself and may help others:


Sometimes the feeling of FOMO after seeing somebody post insane gains on some uniswap coin, or insanely profitably leverage trade can lead to a fragmented mindset of your own trading/investments ⬇️

You have to remember that this game is a marathon, you have years ahead of you to take your time, slow down, and make the smart plays.

Some of these accounts are straight up LARPing, or just happen to have a lot more money than you ⬇️

At the end of the day, look at where you started and look at where you want to be.

You cannot teleport to where you want to be, it’s a process that will take time. COMFORTABLY trading with 20-50k contracts is huge for me compared to me three years ago

The true people who make a living in this market started small like you were once, there will always be the few lucky degens to 100x a few K and hold the trade for life changing money, but that mindset will lead to ruins, and most those people probably don’t keep the profits

Remember, marathon not a sprint. Slow down, take your time, and keep your eyes on the high time frame whilst maximizing the low time frame whilst staying within your risk. You need chips to play the game, and in trading there is NO royal flush, nothing is guaranteed

Godspeed brotheren, love my small amount of followers I do have. We all gunna make it fam’ don’t get caught up wishing you had more.

Take your time manifest your ideas/dreams into reality
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