(THREAD) Trump's "brokered" deal between the UAE and Israel appears to be an election gimmick and yet another Quid-pro-quo. Trump gets to say that he helped achieve peace in the Middle East, while the UAE gets exactly what they want, the destruction of Al Jazeera...
a Middle East media behemoth that has consistently attacked the actions of the UAE, Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia. Let me explain further.

On August 13, 2020, the UAE formally normalized its relationship with Israel, in exchange for Israel not annexing parts of the West Bank.
Although it's not a bad thing that this deal took place, the UAE and Israel, for years, had robust foreign relations w/ one another. Basically this was just a formal declaration, providing Trump the ability to brag about making progress. It just so happens that the day prior...
on August 12, 2020, Jay Bratt, chief of the DOJ’s counterintelligence and export control section, sent a letter to Al Jazeera notifying them that they would have to register as Foreign Agents under FARA. This would greatly harm Al Jazeera, basically castrating their ability...
to function as a respected news organization.

Although Al Jazeera is funded by the government of Qatar, they are no different in terms of being a foreign agent than several State-run Saudi publications, the BBC and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
Meanwhile, it is known that the UAE and Saudi Arabia have had for years a primary goal of shutting down Al Jazeera. How do we know this? One of the primary demands of the Saudi's and UAE, along with Bahrain (also just signed deal with Israel) and Egypt, when they issued a...
blockade against Qatar in June of 2017, was that Qatar have Al Jazeera shut down. The UAE and Saudi Arabia even threatened to invade Qatar.

To those who can not figure this out, Trump has provided Bahrain, the Saudi's and the UAE exactly what they wanted in the destruction...
of Al Jazeera, while the UAE and Bahrain have provided Trump with exactly what he wants, an appearance of peace with Israel in order to help Trump in November.
Israel gets the international community off their backs a bit and browny points from the West in their dealings with the Palestinians. PLEASE RETWEET THIS THREAD!
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