Mini possible crumb that I noticed in the first movie that I never see anyone talk about. And my own personal theory. Okay, so they all finally meet up with Bakugo & Kirishima and Todoroki uses his ice to lift all the others up to safety.
After getting over the initial shock the normal response would be, Hey, Todoroki, what’s going on?” Right? That’s Kirishima’s first response anyways, but Not Bakugo. He’s still far more focused on the rest of the class. The entire time Kirishima and Todoroki are having this
Important plot moving conversation Bakugo is looking up at the Ice. Watching everyone get off at the top.
And I’m just wondering why? Normally he doesn’t care what the rest of the class does. His best friend is down there with him, and so is the only person that could give him answers so why is his attention directed elsewhere? Who is he looking at/ for?
I mean it could be Deku, but he doesn’t look pissed, or annoyed. He looks deep in thought, maybe even concerned? He only turns his head at the very end once Todoroki says villian’s have taken over the tower.
Which brings me too the biggest crumb in the movie. How did Bakugo get to Uraraka first? Why was he so far ahead of the other two? How was he already in the air and coming from the side rather than coming up from behind Uraraka like Todoroki and Kirishima did?
I have this head cannon that once they got done with the robots Todoroki was like “let’s take the elevator,” and Bakugo was just like, “You guys take the fucking elevator damn it! I’m not waiting!!” And then just blasts off up after her.
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