The GMB discussion on JKR is a perfect example of how difficult it is to have an honest conversation about our culture in this country.

George Galloway ranted about Hitchcock, as if Norman Bates isn’t representative of the harmful trope we’re discussing.
Benjamin Butterworth did his best to defend us, but fell short because he isn’t a trans women so doesn’t know what this is like.

Rose of Dawn then put across views that are unrepresentative of the community, but looked more informed because there was no other trans woman.
Piers Morgan ended by asking Butterworth “are you saying we can never have a fictional trans killer?” and nobody was there to actually explain why this trope is harmful.

The problem is trans women have historically ONLY been portrayed as deceitful and violent.
It’s not that the trope is offensive, it is that our only representation reinforces the worst things people think about us.

It’s why the trans panic defence is still used in American courtrooms and why anti-trans activists can run successful campaigns to keep us out of the loo.
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