I tried to make a DDS understand. But they just disintegrate...

#ManilaBay #whitesand

[A thread]
It starts with utmost confidence.

Translation: "Tapos ang basura niyo naman diyan na maiiwan. Ok lang pagkatapos?"
I attempted to make them understand that it's not all black and white...
So, there, I made a fact check run with existing Material Safety Data Sheets. They prove Dolomite Sand to be irritant but treatable and potentially cancerous from human and animal testing.
Even though it's not harmful to put new sand in MNL Bay, it's bad for where it comes from because we know quarrying has adverse effects. ...I said..

I argued that this is beyond health and ecological issues; that it's more on the economic side and if it's pragmatic, that we should stop the problem from the source. And I even made a suggestion that it's better to invest in a mental health policy if that's the concern.

If you reached the end of this thread, CONGRATULATIONS!

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