Hot-take election prediction:

Trump beats Biden in a close-call election similar to that of Bush v. Gore in 2000. The USPS Op will play a role (mail-in “voter suppression”). The Liberal Left will demand a military removal of Trump et al. A *benign* military dictatorship begins.
The NYT is planting the seed for a contentious election result.
Looks like everyone got the “coup” memo👍
AFL-CIA setting the stage for a confrontational “change” of power
Setting the stage for a contested election via USPS Op
“contested election”
I really believe something is in the works. A repeat of the Bush v. Gore crisis is going to occur. We are being primed to accept it with predictive programming.
Move over “hanging chads”, here comes “mail-in ballots”.
The recent murders between “Antifa” and the Right-wing are part of a domestic strategy-of-tension designed to prepare the American population for an inevitable armed battle (post-“election”) between two factions.
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