What you need to understand is that the President of the United States of America is a walking, talking corporation.

He has no loyalty to the nation, no duty beyond protecting himself and expediting his profits. We're talking about a country, he's running a business.
Of course Trump lies. It's like a corporation caught giving Americans cancer. You hold fast to the lie until you can't anymore. It's damage control, an intentional PR strategy meant to warp reality.

He's playing a different game. He's not a president. He's an anti-president.
Treason means nothing to Trump. Of course he's asking for help from other countries for his election. It's a transnational business. Everyone is still viewing this through an old lens, but he and everyone around him as moved on.

They're dragging us into a new insidious era.
Listen. Of course Trump is running the country terribly. But think of what corporations give us now. Terrible products, terrible service. It's not about quality or longevity. It's about fleecing as many people as quickly and lucratively as possible.
Businesses and politics have been perverted and become deranged. This is what happens late in the game, when they monopolize. That's what Trump is doing through the fascism and authoritarianism.

Monopolizing the political structure until you have no choice left whatsoever.
We've been living in a moment where businesses tell us as the customers we're right and deserve everything while slashing quality and services and raking us over the coals.

That's what Trump is. That's where we're going. Gleeful incompetence at a premium rate.
We can reject this. We can restore government as a public good and reject hypercapitalism as the order of the world. But we have to push back against this disaster and rejuvenate the social contract, pry business away from government, and remember basic human dignity.
Business has evolved past the point of competence to aspire to dominance. Once you corner the market you dilute the product, cut costs, and rely on propaganda to cover the difference. This is where we are. In business and in government. Nothing but cruelty and incompetence.
Our government exists now as a tool of massive redistribution from the bottom up. They can’t fix problems, address suffering, respond to crises. Nothing but carefully crafted PR to create an illusion of governance. A lumbering corporate state.
And the goal is to make us apathetic consumers who buy the same terrible products and suffer the same lack of service, all while shrugging because what does it matter anyway? The authoritarian society is a monopoly corporation. It’s inextricably intertwined.
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