I haven't decided if I'm voting for Trump. And if I do I won't claim I was forced to by the left. I understand and sympathize with every single argument thrown at me about Trump's unfitness for office. But to me it just comes down to one issue: abortion.
Joe Biden is a good man. And the country would probably be better managed under his administration. But I can't vote for the abortion platform he brings along with him.
What we allow to do to babies in this country is infinitely more horrific than anything Trump has ever said, done or tweeted.
Anytime I'm horrified by something Trump does and I lean toward Democrats at some point the abortion question comes up and my mind pictures a baby getting their skull cracked or their spine severed at their neck and I think "no."
So I can be a mindless single-issue voter on this but it's a pretty significant one to be mindlessly single-issue about.
I'm thankful your daughters got a chance at life and hope your granddaughters do as well. https://twitter.com/RomanShuster/status/1306211672550453248
Trump is the first POTUS to speak at the Pro-life Rally. He appoints pro-life judges and helps to defund PP. I too suspect he's just playing to his base but that's good enough for me. How he feels about it personally I don't care. https://twitter.com/Ignorem62281500/status/1306211253191430145
That abortion has to be constantly sanitized with ever evolving euphemisms to obfuscate what it is is a sign I'm on the right side. https://twitter.com/TheRightColumn/status/1306213285348270081
Yeah, there's a lot of ideological disagreement with Democrats I could overlook in exchange for normalcy and competence in administration. But this is too much. https://twitter.com/philllosoraptor/status/1306213725670707206
It is a govt issue in the same way child abuse is a govt issue. I understand you don't see it that way because you don't see a child where I do, but surely you can recognize where I'm coming from. https://twitter.com/e_blyler/status/1306220091852255232
Roe v Wade is never going to be outright overturned. It's being weakened in small steps. https://twitter.com/DaMac80/status/1306229377152225285
Many problems. Ones which mass killings should never be an acceptable solution. https://twitter.com/C_kinney_CC/status/1306279656295993349
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