Literally don't even know my mbti anymore (a thread)
I hope you all don't find it annoying but idefk what am I, seriously I don't know if I'm NT/NF/SP/SJ, (excluding xxTJ)
The reason why i doubt my type? I don't have the slightest idea why but if I said because it's my Tritype then it just doesn't sound right tbh, I'm always in a analysis paralysis kind of loop and it's just annoying
People do say I'm an INTP, on the other hand I don't see myself as one and I settle on xNFP (INFP more though) but even if the Ti+Ne description is right... Still, I doubt it
It's that the type is too good to be true, and I'm not trusting it easily, what if im INFP 6w5? It's a possibility but...hell even said "what if im ExxP?" but I'm not
The reason why I'm saying I might be INFP is because INTP is too good to be true, but that doesn't sound right, I hear "Im not a Fi dom" but I still say I'm an INFP
Anyways I hope you all don't really find this annoying, I'm seriously saying that...didnt even wanna make this thread for that reason, It just feels annoying to other people
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