Congrats, to all the #LatinxPitch participants yesterday. You put your work out there! You took that step to grow your career. Our entire team is incredibly proud of each and every one of you.

Many of you might be asking what do I do now?

Remember if you didn't get any likes or retweets from agents/editors it is no reflection on the quality of your work. Pitches that did really well in the morning got no attention in the afternoon. It's all subjective. Watch our feed for more opportunities.

If you did get editor/agent requests. Congratulations! Let it sink in. Enjoy this moment. And when that's done. Do your homework! You are under no obligation to share your work. Just like you wouldn't marry just anyone, be selective in who you allow to represent your work.

Check #MSWL read/watch agent interviews. See who else they represent? Does their list reflect the types of stories and values that align with your own? Is this someone you would feel comfortable talking money to? The agent relationship is personal— it's also a business one.

If you got several agent requests, rank them in order of preference. Cross off any agents that you don't think would be the right fit. Reach out to your top picks first. Remember agents are busy people so only query those that you'd be comfortable representing you.

Now that you've whittled things down, be thoughtful in your query letter. Share what about that agent/agency resonates with you. Keep it brief but keep it true to you.

Check submission guidelines. Each agent has their own system of how they want to be queried. Respect their process and respond accordingly.

Get trusted critique partners to look over all of your materials before pressing send. Make sure it has that final polish.

If you got both editor and agent likes, remember that some editors can only receive submissions from agents. If there are editors who accept direct submissions decide if you want to reach out to them yourself or get representation first.

To recap:

1) Do your homework
2) Rank your requests
3) Query only those agents who personally resonate w/ you
4) Check their submission guidelines
5) Get extra eyes on your query letter & manuscript
6) Format your work
7) Hit send

And now the looooooooooong wait to hear back on your queries begins. Welcome to the world of publishing where patience is a virtue.

You can follow @latinxpitch.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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