"After the Dam goes there will be ample time to understand what happened. Heidegger wrote a wonderful book on Aristotle where he discussed movement in time and how you can visualize the movement of things by focusing on the individual .."

"say a athletic and through imagination visualize the movement of the athletic. What Heidegger did not understand is that what you are perceiving is a form of time travel."

"The Dam is a fixed structure but through a time perspective it is constantly in movement and the collapse is already there waiting to be realized. By following the trail of its movement the Dam has already collapsed. In a sense a dead man walking."

"Think of action at a distance only from a time perspective. Action at a distance is a space and time phenomena and is the basis for time travel. Heisenberg understand this but understand the danger and let it go."

Anon asks good questions re free will and determinism.

"Somethings can be changed and some things cannot. Depends on their impact on the time line. And we are just a participant in the time line and in many ways only a small part we did not create it."

Anon posts picture of man in chains.

"Looks like Joe Biden."

Anon wants more help re 34.

"Cannot give you the address. The owner wants the discoverer to earn it. It really is right in front of you. I think it is too obvious. Back up a bit and look at the trees and ignore the forest."

"34 gives you the location of the Valley of the Blue Moon and the twitter address. It is an number that has many layers. Every layer you reveal takes you to another level. But for now wait for the Dam, then folks can see all of this in a new light. later."

Anon wishes him well in his new beginning.

"Yea, my ticket here is about up. My future is in the past and that is ok. There really is no better place to be."

Anon complaining that 19 days, no election, going back to the past hasn't happened.

"Nothing you are saying is a contradiction. A bunch of stuff has gone down. It just needs to surface. Yea my time here is very limited."

Anon thinks he sounds wise.

"Didn`t feel so smart when my plane got shot out from under my ass at Midway. And in a way that started my adventure. Thanks for the kind words."

Anon: Is Yellowstone still in play?

Yea. Some crazy shit going on there.

"Souls are the real deal and the time you spend alive is far greater than you can imagine. The Hall of the Souls is a deeper rabbit hole than most. Plato thought that we were born with a soul that simply forgot a previous life because of the stress of childbirth."

"The Hall of the Souls was filled at the beginning of this time line and will not be exhausted till this time line is exhausted. Yes there is far more than what is known."

Anon wants to meet over a drink and a steak.

"There is a little bar in Goldfield, Nevada that is frequented by all types of entities, in fact God spends a lot of time there using a computer to communicate via twitter. He is quite the jokester."

"A good place to meet well things from all over the universe. Don`t expect anyone to believe this and that is ok, but God is not at all the way you think."

Anon asks what type of plan he was in.

"Figure it out. There were two of us in it. Does that help?"

Anon: your view of souls is more Aristotle than Plato.
"A soul exists because that is the way the entity that created this time line made it work. Visit Goldfield and discuss it with him. Take this out of the thinking realm and put it in the movement of time realm."

"You can see it all around you. Time is the only reality and God uses matter the way a child uses toys. It really is that simple."

Anon wants to know if he goes to Goldfield and asks around town, will they point me in the right direction?

"Depends on the type of entity you talk with."

- time travel is a kind of action at a distance. See here:
- no useful clues re 34. I have literally no idea at this point

- there were "two of us" in his plane at Midway when he was shot down. A Dauntless?
- Goldfield, NV is the place to go to chat to entities from all over the Universe. I need to visit sometime.

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