Here is the law (warning: a little convoluted) for smaller adult community groups since new #coronavirus regs were published. /1
First, any group of six can meet in a home. Head count only includes those participating and excludes other adults/children in the home but not joining the gathering. /2
If you are more than six, you need to work out whether you fit into an exception. Most likely exceptions to apply: gathering reasonably necessary for work/charity/education/training OR gathering is a support group. No limit on numbers in those exceptions. /3
If an exception applies, can meet but not in a home UNLESS (arguably) home is tied accommodation owned by employer and contract expects part of home to be open and a workplace. Guidance silent and regs unclear – so discretion in my view to designate part of it work premises. /4
If larger than 6 and on work/charity premises, does no mingling apply? I think not. Mingling in regs *prob* relates to diff gatherings (but differing legal opinions on this). Yet guidance clear: in adult small group situations you should still not be mingling. /5
But remember that guidance has always been more restrictive than law and is not binding. /6
But even if no mingling did apply, what size should the group be? Guidance below says someone attending for “work purposes” not to be counted. /7
So does this leave open the possibility at least of a hybrid approach for an organisation to house on its premises multiple small groups of (non-mingling) 6 adults, all led by a 7th (and even 8th?) adult attending for work? I think maybe it does. /8
So it’s messy and finer details are untested. But key thing is to ‘take account’ of guidance. Reject it only with good reason. Consider the event through the prism of safety. And always do a full risk assessment. /END
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