I was listening to a podcast and they linked integrity to time-management and reliability. It's so interesting because whilst I feel strongly that I do have integrity, I've never once looked at time-management through the lens of integrity. I felt dragged. https://twitter.com/findingmalo/status/1305991450027536384
I am the type of person who is often balancing a lot of peoples expectations. I am often the person a lot of people reach out to for things, often peoples shoulder and I often feel very stretched and overwhelmed. But it's a boundaries thing, it's honouring your own self-care.
Also they're right, it's integrity too, irrespective of intention. Knowing that your boundaries don't just serve you but it can also be a function of integrity and how others perceive your integrity or lack of it in specific areas of your life.
Learning how to say no is important, learning that you do not have to give an answer straight away no matter how kind that person is or how enticing whatever they're proposing is, if you are unsure. Knowing that you are allowed to take time to think.
Taking your time to consider and letting that be known can uphold integrity, you give people insight into your capacity and manage expectations, the right people will respect that a lot more and even if people don't, this is about you.
Learning that taking the time to "consider" things is okay, your fear of letting people down or missing out on building a valued relationship is sometimes rooted in the unfair amount of pressure you are placing on yourself. Saying no now, does not mean never.
You can follow @findingmalo.
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