ky - art
cheska - emmy & allison
fink - rob and editor
rita - chaotic & ben
ced - layout
gc - mnb
chan - david & best fc
grace - justin stan & raymond simp
reese - five stan
el - aidan stan
leigh, juls, fink - funniest
ky - aj simp
rita and jadyn - best tweets
jam - best @
damien - swedes simp
shen - best ben stan
here r the @s:

best group chat - minions ni ben
best art account - @allonstarry
best editor - @seancewaffles
best layout - @ghostlyceddie
best tweets - @UPH0RIQUE & @G0LDENF0LKL0RE
best @ - @hellogoodbyetua
best fancams (edits) - @dieg0hargreev3s
nicest stan - @pbuttercups_
funniest stan - @seancewaffles @t70supremacy @ULTR4VlOLET
most chaotic stan - @UPH0RIQUE
best david stan - @dieg0hargreev3s
best emmy stan - @rumoredallison
best robert stan - @seancewaffles
best aidan stan - @elyhn_
best justin stan - @justinhmean
You can follow @minionsniben.
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