why do yall hate jungkook so much because i need a fucking answer - the man breathes and he gets attacked for every little thing. its redudant and its gross. its not hard to leave him alone. you come onto twt to live out your mean girls roleplay by bullying innocent people.
his searches have to be cleared every other day. every week it seems like something else happens. im sick and im tired. what the hell do you gain? what the hell are you getting out of this? and if youre getting satisfaction out of pulling this shit, seek help immediately.
almost everyday this month ive woken up and had anxiety attacks because my tl is panicking because something else happened with 🐰. the only time i wanna see my tl screaming about 🐰 from now on is to praise him and love him.
tw / rape mention

but because of all the shit going on right now?? we cant bypass it. this is going deeper than troll accounts saying “🐰 cant sing hahaha” that can easily be ignored and reported. these are full on accusations of rape and other horrible things.
i remember that kkul fm where 🐰 apologized and i literally cried. its heartbreaking to see someone who did nothing wrong be beaten down by antis to the point where he feels like hes responsible and he did something wrong.
that being said, im glad hes doing what he wants. everyday it seems like he got a new tattoo, his hair grows a little longer, and hes experimenting with his fashion and style. as long as that makes him happy, im glad that hes doing it.
but anyways please leave 🐰 alone. please. i dont even know what else to say at this point? im not even angry anymore im just tired and sad and terrified. im scared to see what happens next. im scared to even open twitter.
not to mention the shippers that treat him like hes an object. they dont see him as a person, they see him as the second half of a ship and thats it. its really sad and pathetic. leave him alone.
there are probably a lot of spelling mistakes in this thread and im sorry. my hands are shaking and i typed most of it with one hand but my point still stands. please just leave him alone,,, its not hard
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