MDMA and Autism
Thread *1

An interesting account of someone with high-functioning autism, a common practice of people with this condition is called 'masking' or the covering up of natural behaviours and replacing them instead with behaviours considered more socially acceptable.

This group can feel like they are unable to create 'genuine connections' to those around them because they are not acting as their true self for fear of alienating others.

To create these genuine connections, the 'mask' needs to come off so they can freely express themselves

Removing this mask is a difficult thing to do, as this group have been socially reinforced to believe that doing so is 'weird' and therefore, they might face negative social consequences.

Could #MDMA-assisted psychotherapy provide a setting to create meaningful connections?

MDMA removes the usual psychological barriers and defence mechanisms. Whilst enhancing a person's ability to process and communicate emotions. Drug Science encourages people to read this qualitative account of an adult with high-functioning autism.
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