Funny how "Toddlers and Tiaras" and "Dance Moms" aired for over a decade and no one said a thing, but take ONE movie on Netflix that makes commentary on oversexualizing young girls, and suddenly white savior parents are up in arms.

You've been allowing the oversexualization of girls in this country for decades, along with ignoring predatory and abusive problems in churches and sports organizations by pretending those problems don't exist close to home.
Getting up in arms over one movie because some conspiracy theory organization insists you should to detract from other issues, especially when that movie is a commentary on the very thing you're claiming to be against, makes you look foolish.

And many of those things don't feel happy.

They're meant to jar you our of your comfort zone, to make you reevaluate your views, and the things you don't or won't see.

Art isn't supposed to always feel good.
If you don't think that girls haven't been hypersexualized for decades in subtle yet loud ways, and preyed upon because youth is overvalued and oversexualized in our culture subversively, you haven't been paying any attention.

This one movie is NOT the problem.
Wake up, read some reviews, read other views outside your echo chamber bubble, watch the movie, look beyond what you're seeing and ask yourself what you're being asked to think, and what you're being coerced into ignoring.

Critical thinking is a skill. Work on it.
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