1/ So many people in the EU, the US, and the UK who oppose Brexit, are spouting rubbish about the UK putting the Belfast Agreement ‘in jeopardy’. None of them ever provide evidence. Most haven’t read it. Here’s the thing, only the EU’s demands break the Belfast Agreement.
2/ The EU’s demanded NI Protocol changes the status of Northern Ireland without consent. That explicitly breaks the Belfast Agreement as shown below. Ireland, the EU and Irish American blowhards are outright lying. The Agreement - https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/136652/agreement.pdf
3/ The UK - Theresa May and Boris Johnson - should never have accepted the EU Withdrawal Agreement knowing it explicitly breaks the letter of the Belfast Agreement. They did it for convenience. And as Ireland’s nationalists benefited from the lie, they didn’t complain.
4/ There is nothing in the Belfast Agreement about the kind of border NI must have with Ireland. Not a customs border, not a soft border and not a hard border. Anyone who claims it does hasn’t read the Agreement, or is lying as part of an effort to force a united Ireland.
5/ Sinn Fein, SDLP and Alliance all claim that it’s the “spirit” of the Belfast Agreement that would be broken. Utter rubbish. They confected that to kid themselves of another lie, that the Agreement was a roadmap to a united Ireland. It isn’t and it never was.
6/ And it’s interesting to see that so many people who are attacking the government for planning to break “international law” by not sticking to the terms of the Withdrawal Agreement, are perfectly happy to allow the EU to break the terms of the Belfast Agreement. Selective, no?
7/ I have provided a link to the Agreement above and screenshot of the key clause that confirms the accuracy of what I’m saying. So you don’t have to take my word for it. I’m not offering an opinion, or feelings or invoking a mythical spirit of anything.
8/ This ‘threat’ to the ‘peace process’ that these people talk about comes from their Irish republican friends. They’re saying “if you don’t give our IRA friends what they want there will be violence”. It’s blackmail. They don’t condemn it. It must be called out and challenged.
9/ We must not be manipulated by these charlatans. Don’t be conned into thinking that what breaks the agreement doesn’t, and that what doesn’t break the agreement does. Stand up for the actual Belfast Agreement, not the imaginary version spun by Ireland and the EU.
10/ Above I’ve cited the actual words of the Belfast Agreement that were voted on and accepted. Hard evidence. It’s time the EU, remainers and Americans - who think they are Irish because on St Patrick’s Day they wear green and have a parade - stopped their spin and blatant lies.
11/ Northern Ireland is part of the UK. It is not governed by Ireland. Putting a border in the Irish Sea and letting the EU control imports here breaks the Belfast Agreement. It changes the status of Northern Ireland without consent. That is contrary to “international law”.
12/ There is no reason not to have customs checks on the Irish border. The Belfast Agreement doesn’t stop that at all. It’s Irish unicorn thinking, kidding themselves that NI is part of the Irish republic, that makes them say the border can’t be there.
13/ We should not indulge their deception and fantasy politics. We must challenge Ireland and the EU and refuse to have any foreign imposed border within the UK’s sovereign territory. That is the legal, correct and honest thing to do. Scrap the NI protocol.
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