tw/ racism, homophobia, gaslighting, etc. bigotry

why I keep saying @danyaerith and her friends are racist/racist apologist.
Defended that sexist weirdo NSP only because he hates Tifa and shippes Clerith, even though his Facebook is gross and sexist (which he had LINKED in his bio)
Only calls out her friend’s racism/toxic insults when they disagree on ships (they were mad over naruto ships). @danyaerith @itskurohyn
Her white sister @cemtrydrve terrorizes #barbs, who happen to be black ppl/poc. She
She’s been lurking and posting in FF forums since early 2000s and spreading bigotry/racism all over these old forums.
More racists posts she’d write during her free time in the fandom in these things called forums.
Her weird friend ships these super cis and white ships 🤢🤢
Would pretend she was gonna vote for Bernie even tho her stance was suspiciously the total opposite // thought getting her racist mom to vote for Bernie get her brownie points
LOVES to romanticize light/fair complexions. Defended a graphic with cloud’s og colorist dialogue as well as wrote fics romanticizing this dialogue as well.
Believes she’s a legitimate translator and believes the Japanese fandom is a “realm” - kinda too whimsical of a word no?
Cali is so homophobic she was offended by a cloti fanart where cloud wears a shirt that says “she tops.” She was also disgusted by cloud’s performance @ honeybee & the mini game.
She literally wrote this about planned parenthood in her tumblr & listed her p*do ships on her fanfic profile thing
@danyaerith saying Aerith is better than Tifa for racist, sexist, and eugenics reasons. Suggests everyone should bow to Aerith. I see y she loves daenaerys so much.
Joined a n*zi clerith club and then joked about it for years.
This is how she justified it without apologizing. Then / now
Cannot differentiate fiction from reality and feels personally assaulted when confronted for spreading false information.
Extremely anti-Islam. This really disgusts me.
All of her friends were very cynical and pretty much racist during the first BLM riots earlier this year
These are the women of CxA forums they looked up so much to.
Her and her friends are always white knighting USA & whites
Continues to gaslight me whenever i call them out on their racist and toxic tendencies. She literally called a POC a “dog with fleas” and then lied about it.
She gaslights absolutely everyone and makes herself the victim. In conclusion: đź–• @danyaerith
Also dragged hip-hop/rap bc she has no rhythm
Discrediting tifas beauty because she doesn’t look like Hillary Clinton.
@danyaerith terrorizing POC members in these old cxa forums
More fandom hatred spewing from her
A friend of hers photoshopping Aerith’s pic to make her look fairer and comparing her to tifas armpit for...some reason. Also this person is a misogynist.
Cali using manipulative tactics to get free stuff instead of getting a job
You can follow @baddie_aerith.
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