I’ve gotten a fair share of comments and DM and different view points on the topic of DeFi being hostile to women. I’ll explain shortly why we feel this way now, and didn’t before. Thread:
1/ some of us work in the space and have been here for quite some time. Of course we’ve seen creeps IRL and heard horror stories. For each of those, though, there are armies of people that are welcoming and helpful.
2/ Ethereum has always been very inclusive. IRL ethereum events are a proof of it. We’ve tour the globe together and learned from each other. In 2020, that’s not possible
3/ The community has fully moved to the digital realm and our lives and interactions happen almost entirely on the internet. Whereas before we used social media to communicate what we did IRL now we live inside of it.
4/ so when the influx of newcomers flooded DeFi we were thrilled. We work in the space, WE WANT ADOPTION.
However, this new influx brought a sexist message alongside them: memes , comments, even the word “degen” is aggressive to womxn! Think of where it comes from
5/ So now we live on the internet and even our peers command the new degen message that brings along hundreds of sexist memes and an aggressive message. It’s not about gender, it’s about the intimidation we feel. We can’t look away, it’s everywhere.
6/ the men saying we have no sense of humor or we contradict ourselves for supporting sexual freedom and sex work but not memes, are imbeciles. You got absolutely everything wrong.
7/ i’m also very shocked how the men that have found a new leadership of these degens, that we’ve known for long, prefer the likes instead of setting the record straight and promoting a healthier message. So dissapointing. /end
Ah before I forget:
Afaik NONE of the DeFi founders or leaders have said a fucking word about this. This is NOT freedom of speech. You’re ostracizing people within your industry. Take a stand.
Sidenote: whatabouting on the term degen won’t dismiss my arguments. There’s a lot more out there. I also know how ad hominem argumentation works and the tu cocques is an easy trick. Not with me tho
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