Poor Jordan Peterson... the Left doesn't like him, some of the Right doesn't like him... personally, I think he's a genius. He knows how governments become totalatarian because he has obsessively analyzed totalatarian govs like Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia.
He knows where totalitarianism starts. That's why he called out the mandatory preferred pronoun legislation in Canada for what it was... a disgusting infringement of free speech.
Supporters of big gov will make it seem like they're on the right side of history. "Bro, it's just Social Democracy, we want to help poor people." However, that's never how it ends. Give government an inch and they'll dig a mile...
You can vote your way into Socialism, but you must shoot your way out.
What was this thread about again? Oh yeah, Jordan Peterson. He's a cool guy, and he came back to the internet a few months ago after being deathly ill. Consider checking out his YouTube channel. đź‘Ť
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