Mr. Waynemeyer

I was a child with severe ADHD. This guy's solution to me was sitting me behind a divider separated from the class. I'll never forget his eye rolls whenever I asked him something. I tried my hardest to calm down and behave. He once told me
"You need pills for your brain." As a child that really affected me and since it was early childhood learning, it made me have nothing but distrust of teachers because he treated me so poorly. He made absolutely no effort whatsoever. I had a few bad teachers growing up which
is why I eventually became a teacher myself. Specifically a special education teacher. I never want a child to feel "stupid", "unwanted" or "useless" like I did as a child. I took those negative experiences and turned them around to something positive for this generation of
students. Some teachers don't realize what kind of effect they can have on their students, especially at a young age. I'm an advocate for them and genuinely push them to do their very best. I want them to know that whatever life threw at them, they have just as much of a chance
to be successful as anyone else. People just learn differently and that should be nurtured. Mr. Waynemeyer... Wherever you are...You failed as my teacher but taught me how to be the exact opposite of you as an educator myself.
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