1) Central banks believing they can escape a massive debt problem by exponentially adding more debt makes me think of this quote from Mises - "There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion......
2) ....The alternative is only whether the crisis should come sooner as the result of voluntary abandonment of further credit expansion, or later as a final and total catastrophe of the currency system involved."
3) PS - that debt (BEFORE Covid) was $250 trillion on a global economy of $80 trillion, with $185 trillion of that $250 trillion of debt being added in the last 20 years. And that's looking backwards....adding at an exponentially faster rate now.
4) The unwind in whatever form it takes is going to be brutal.
5) Only two choices now - all around the world. Default through a deflationary depression (including banking system collapse) or default through hyperinflation.
6) In my humble opinion - Bitcoin is a "must" Not just for your wealth but as a lifeboat. Please do your own research. Follow @PrestonPysh @johnkvallis @RaoulGMI @APompliano @Breedlove22 @princey1976 @PeterMcCormack @MartyBent @LynAldenContact
7) Be safe out there - and please be kind. People are hurting and it's going to get much worse. Most of what is happening is not because of bad people (no matter what you think) but because of an economic system trying to fight gravity and catching all of us in its vortex.
You can follow @JeffBooth.
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