Will Biden debate @realDonaldTrump?

I used to think "absolutely," but now?

I have no idea.

Watch the THIRD video. It's stunning.
"Protein deposits, called Lewy bodies, develop in nerve cells in the brain regions involved in thinking, memory and movement (motor control)."
The only medications that can temporarily reduce the dementia are cholinesterase inhibitors, but the main side effects are gastrointestinal upset and excessive salivation.
There's a video of Biden giving an interview, and there's the unmistakable sound of him having a diarrhea bowel movement in his pants.

See, in order to make him function in a debate, they'd have to give him so much medication that he'd be totally incontinent and drooling.
He could wear adult diapers, but they could do nothing for the drooling.

Lewy body dementia is also characterized by visual and auditory hallucinations.

There's no way to predict what would happen in three very stressful hours.

So I don't know if he'll debate Trump.

The reason Trump did the @ABC town hall was to show that he isn't afraid of scripted questions from fake undecided or fake independent voters.

Nobody was fooled.

The questioners came across like this.
You may have noticed leftists posting brainless memes and then saying that they don't debate Trump supporters.

Well, then you get BLOCKED.

You either DEFEND YOUR POSITION, or you're barred from commenting here.

The town hall BACKFIRED because you freaks can't fake normality.
You are unable to communicate because you are incapable to critical thinking.

Here's a perfect example:
It's not possible to spin this into a negative.

Trying to do so shows how insane you are.
Trump said IN PLAIN LANGUAGE that he DOWNPLAYED the dangers verbally to avoid a panic while taking actions that none of you blockheads even know he took.

When was our first recorded case of COVID-19?

January 19, 2020.
Trump did TONS OF OTHER STUFF that you brainless hate-filled humanoids don't even know about, LONG BEFORE ANY OTHER COUNTRY.

But he didn't advertise it.


It's not possible to "level with the American people."

On February 25, 1942, American soldiers lost their minds in Los Angeles and began firing at the moon and the ocean.


The Battle of Los Angeles.
TO THIS DAY, insane people say that the fact that it couldn't be shot down or that pieces of it weren't shot off means that it was an extraterrestrial craft.

There are too many mass-hysteria attacks in human history to count.

One of my favorites is the Biting Nuns.

It spread from convent to convent all over Europe until the nuns were, well, beaten senseless.

Outbreaks of frenzied dancing.
I'll bet plenty of people criticizing Trump went out and stocked up on toilet paper, thus CREATING a shortage.

Democrats will lose on November 3 because of mass hysteria.

You'll all use mail-in ballots, while fearless Trump supporters will vote in person.
They'll call it on election night.

For Trump.

YOUR votes will be tied up for months.


I'll be laughing at you.

I myself am fearless. It took me a long time to get here.

Endless loss did the job.
You know why I'm now fearless?

I realized that for every door that closes, one opens.

You just have to find it.

I did NOT want the life I had, but I found all the open doors.
All YOU freaks got every single thing you ever wanted--and you're STILL bitter and enraged and filled with hate.

Like Bette Midler, Cher, Alyssa Milano, Cardi B...

None of you EVER lift a finger to help ANYONE.

All you do is bitch and rave.

You had a nice, long run.

Now WE get what WE want.

It's called the democratic process.

I didn't go off my nut when Obama won, even though he was the most incompetent, corrupt, lawless president in our history.


So did Trump.

And he will again.
So suck it up, buttercups.

Like it or not, improvement and freedom are on the way.

You can always go live in Communist China, if you want failure and enslavement.

I hear they have great markets for fresh food.

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