you can dislike oikawas character and personality, but never dismiss how hard he worked. he would stay up late studying games, and continued practicing at the gym overtime to the point he pushed himself to injury. he truly loved volleyball so much and had to work 10 times harder
then the others around him with natural talent. he’s an amazing captain and knows how to bring out the best in his team and utilize their strengths, and was able to connect everyone on the court. I have so much respect and admiration for him and seeing how he never game up and
I’m trying to say is that oikawa is an extremely well written and complex character and shouldn’t be limited to just national and flattykawa jokes. his story just proves that if you truly try your best and never give up even when it seems impossible, you can make it.
eventually played for argentina was so inspiring. yes, he almost hit kags (which I know affected kageyama mentally) and I don’t condone his actions, but this moment showed just how human he is and that he was dealing with so much pent up self doubt, frustration, and anger. what
oikawa tooru and seijoh supremacy. they should’ve went to nationals.
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