One of the weird things about studying prison history is how many things we do today that we used to do and abandoned bc it was "barbaric" or "uncivilized" or just plain wrong. Shall I start a thread?
Chain Gangs! While initially sold as progressive alternatives to factory style prisons (but really to justify the continuation of slavery), chain gangs were abolished in the ~1940s, but we brought them back several decades later. I even saw them when I lived in Florida.
Thinking retribution is a legit reason for punishment. Retribution (and even more so vengeance) became passe in the late 18th/ea 19th Cs. But in Gregg v. Georgia, the USSC said retrib was a legit rationale for executions.
We could have a whole thread on racist returns/continuations: Slavery (13th A's exception for punishment), Black Codes (risk algorithms that slyly use race as a risk factor),...
I'm getting tired and losing steam. What else have I forgotten to include?
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