
How I susun my routine ✨

A lil background on my skin condition, I have oily skin, but can be a little dehydrated sometimes. I’m not sure if I have combo skin ke tak, I think I do, I use emollient products most of the time so uhm yea. Hahahaha
A must have for AM routine:

Cleanser (doesn’t matter, gentle or acid cleanser)
Hydrating toner / other toners / essence
Eye serum
Brightening/antioxidant serum
A must have for PM routine

Double cleanse (oil/balm + foam cleanser)
Hydrating toner / other toners / essence
Eye serum
Exfoliating serum (every 2-3 days)
Vit C derivative serum
Etc serum (tak kisah la pape yg i nk include)
Retinol serum (every 2-3 days)
Facial oil
I do use 2 toners in my routine bc i love it lol. Kdg2 sampai 3 bc again, i love it so much.

I don’t use acid toners bc I just don’t like them. I just prefer acid serum. yg i pakai currently is an acid blend serum, ada AHA, BHA & a bunch of other things that I like lol
I do use potent acid treatments once or twice a week since I don’t have time to do some masking. I do have masks but i rarely use them :/ i need to do masking more tp Allahu,,, tunggu lah bila ada masa 😂
Masks of my choice would be clay/mud mask to purify. I rarely use sheetmasks bc again, i don’t have the time. Tp i mmg tak minat sgt sheetmasks yg mcm air je essence dia. Me no likey.
On serums pulak, how to choose the right one?

- Know your skin issues/condition (what do u wanna tackle, nak improve apa etc)
- Do a bit of ingredients research/reading online. You don’t have to read science journals, just baca whatever yg informational & helpful for u
- Bila dah tau ingredient apa you nak in your serum, just google “serum with (ingredient)”, nnt keluarlah segala suggestions
- If you choose 1 active ingredient serum, be sure to read more apa yg boleh/tak boleh pakai dgn ingredient tu
- Lebih senang, pakai serum yg ada few active ingredients in 1 bc xyah pening2 nk tau which one boleh/takleh pakai
- Oil based serums pakai lps water based serums / before moisturizer
- What about watery serums? Depends. If you pakai after toners, okay je takde masalah.
Mcm pure vit c mostly watery serums, & that one biasanya pakai on freshly cleansed skin / sblm toner.
- Retinol/retinoic acid aren’t the same. Some retinoic acid kena pakai before toners. Retinol serum boleh pakai before moisturizer.
- Yg tak boleh pakai in 1 routine: acid toner & acid serum. If you’re already use acid toner, you don’t have to add acid serum! That’s a no no, boleh overexfoliate. Lain2 combination, jawapan dia selalunya boleh combine kalau kulit korg react well. Yg ni mmg YMMV ye
- Niacinamide + Vit C pulak mcm mana? Boleh jugak, kalau korang pakai okay, okay lah. Kalau takut ineffective, between nia & vit c tu pakai lah serum lain or toner ke whatever lah. This is why i prefer active ing byk2 in 1 serum sbb xyah pening2 lol
- Basic 1 ing serum =/= suitable for all skintypes: contoh, Niacinamide 10% & remember that Nia 10% sbnrnya considered High Strength Vitamin Serum. So better start dgn lower strength (applies to acid, vit c & retinol as well)
Again, apa2 pun YMMV. If it works for you, stick with it.

If you pening xtau nk masukkan produk susunan mana satu,rule of thumb selalunya toner, essence, serum, moisturizer, oil, sunscreen

Nk cuci muka 10 kali per day,boleh. As long as you replenish balik dgn hydration/moisture
Apa2 pun, ikut keselesaan/kemampuan masing2. Jgn rasa so pressed tgk org lain mampu beli serum mahal2, takyah okie. I started with affordable skincare, baru start try high end/luxury etc. You can make anything work if it’s suitable for your skin needs
Yg penting jgn compare journey awak dgn journey orang lain. It took me 3-4 years to get out from acne prone phase. Dah tak acne prone tp clogged prone, tp masih bersyukur dah kurang acne & I’m 32 yall. Alhamdulillah
Goodluck & I hope this thread is helpful for those yg nak try susun, add products dlm routine cemaner. Gitu. Pape tanya jela bawah ni nnt i jawab okie! ❤️
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